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PD & Learning

A shift to inquiry-based and culturally responsive instruction requires continuous professional learning support.

Professional Learning

Inquiry can't be reproduced in a textbook or taught by an algorithm: it requires a skilled teacher. That's why inquirED has created a new approach to professional learning.



Curriculum-Based Professional Learning integrates curriculum & assessment, instructional leadership, and professional learning communities to help teachers develop their practice of inquiry and culturally responsive instruction.

inquirED's Model of Change

Powered by Practice

inquirED activates Curriuclum-Based Professional Learning through the application of our curriculum.


 As teachers implement our curriculum and experience embedded professional development,  support is also provided to instruction leaders and PLCs to maximize learning.

Backed by Research

Professional learning is most effective when it's rooted in the application of curriculum, provides opportunities for collaboration, and generates growth-oriented feedback.



While each of these elements has individual value, it's when they are activated together that real shifts in practice occur. 

Inquiry-based learning

Designed for Growth

Transformative change happens gradually as teachers implement curriculum, collaborate, and receive feedback.



inquirED's model can start in a single content area and move throughout a whole school system. 

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