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Speaking Engagements

Since the founding of inquirED, Shanti Elangovan has emerged as a leading voice in social studies education and inquiry-based learning. She has delivered keynote addresses and developed interactive presentations that advocate for the use of inquiry-based instruction in social studies to a variety of groups, including teachers, school administrators, and education thought leaders. See below for links to recordings of some of her past presentations and information about upcoming speaking engagements. Possible speaking topics include:


  • High-Quality Instructional Materials in Social Studies

  • Inquiry and Hard History

  • High-Quality, Diverse Sources in Social Studies

  • Informed Action


If you’re interested in having Shanti speak at an event, please contact inquirED’s Director of Communications, Martin Andrews, at

The Future of Social Studies

A panel discussion with Lawrence Paska (Executive Director of The National Council for the Social Studies), Natacha Scott (Director of Educator Engagement, iCivics), and Shanti Elangovan (Founder and CEO of inquirED), about opportunities, obstacles, trends, and innovations in social studies instruction. Moderated by Sarah Schwartz of Education Week.

Social Studies in the Age of Disinformation

Fireside chat with Sam Wineburg, Executive Director of the Stanford History Education Group and Stanford's Ph.D. program in History Education, to talk about the role social studies teachers can play in combating this disinformation and shoring up the foundations of our democracy.

Searching for Social Studies: Why Instructional Materials Matter

Panel discussion with Dr. Tanji Reed Marshall, Ph.D., Director of P-12 Practice at The Education Trust, and Stefanie Wager, Education Partner Manager for the OER Project and President of the National Council for the Social Studies.


The Curriculum Review Guide

Webinar introducing inquirED’s guide for reviewing high quality instructional materials in social studies, with a focus on why high quality materials matter in social studies


Culturally Responsive Teaching in Social Studies

Presentation at National Council for the Social Studies 2020 conference


Deeper Learning in a COVID Compromised Context

Panel discussion with Ron Berger of EL Education and Jim May of New Tech Network


The Case for Elementary Social Studies: Knowledge Building

One-on-one Q&A with Natalie Wexler, author of The Knowledge Gap


Selected Presentations


Shanti Elangovan

CEO & Founder of inquirED

Shanti Elangovan is the founder and CEO of inquirED. She founded inquirED to help ensure all students, regardless of geography or circumstance, have the opportunity to engage in high-quality inquiry-based learning.


As a former elementary school classroom teacher and instructional coach, Shanti believes deeply in high-quality instructional materials that provide both the professional learning and support teachers need to bring inquiry to life in their classrooms.


MBA, Marketing

Tippie School of Management, May 2015


MA, Elementary Education

Teachers College, Columbia, May 2009


MPH, International Health

Boston University, May 2007


BA, International Relations

Boston University, May 2004

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