Thanks to all who attended our webinar yesterday! During the webinar, we explored the challenges, ideas, and best practices for distance learning in elementary social studies. We were honored to be joined by Rebecca Valubuena, Lisa Stivers, and Sarah Milo Hoskow.
Our panelists shared resources on the webinar that we wanted to share with you!
Elementary Distance Learning
Lisa shared her work with 2nd graders using Together When Apart. This inquiry-based learning curriculum provides inquiries for Early, Intermediate, and Middle School students. They are all centered on the compelling question: How can we stay together when we're apart?
Lisa also shared a video of the work her students did during the "Our Historical Moment" inquiry. Watch the video!
Rebecca provided a simple and engaging way to use Google Forms to create week-long inquiries for students surrounding heroes.
She also suggested some follow up activities and extensions.
Finally, if you were not able to attend the webinar, please view the recording below.